Xesto Fit turns your iPhone into the most accurate foot scanning app on the market. Users can get hundreds of size recommendations at the click of a button.
In redesigning Xesto.io, the goal was to first to compel people to discover more about the app, then reach out to us for more information.
While the previous site was informative and functional, it was lacking engaging content and a compelling call-to-action. Responsiveness on wide screen computers and mobile devices was also an issue.
If we hoped to capture more email submissions, the site needed to compel the viewer with more interactive content and a cohesive aesthetic.
I used interactive animations to create a dynamic relationship between the viewer and the site. This detail rewards people for interfacing with the site and encourages them to discover more.
Once the site has peaked someone's attention we want them to reach out to us through our contact form. The site prompts people to "Say Hello" or "Get in Touch". The site also encourages brands & retailers to visit the contact form right from the top of the home page.
Adding clickable features and interactive UI elements has improved people's experience with Xesto as a brand. While compelling visuals capture people's attention, UI elements that call-to-action are critical to capturing new clients.
Along with improving the site's visual consistency, Xesto.io is now a catalyst for future business.